Sunday, January 20, 2008

One Week Down!

This has been an incredible week in New Zealand. Here's a short recap of my life:
Thursday, January 10
I took the longest plane ride of my life to Auckland, New Zealand. Air New Zealand is the only way to fly. They use REAL dishes instead of plastic stuff.

Friday, January 11
Never happened in my life

Saturday January 12
We landed in Auckland and drove to Whitianga (pronounced Fitianga) and played on the swingset at a park and I had fish and chips.

Sunday January 13
They have incredible cheese here and they don't color it orange so it's all yellow. I've spent a lot of time in the car road tripping across the country. We went to the temple in Hamilton and had a little guitar/singing fest with some natives we found. Then I broke my camera. It's been broken ever since but I had a great picture of the temple! We went to Waitomo (my favorite place so far)
Monday, January 14
I went Black water tubing and saw glow worms. I saw a rabbit get sheared. It's the fluffiest rabbit I've seen in my life! That's me and Stefanie after it lost it's fluffiness. Other people have taken on my habbit of picking up trash. I met a real mandolin player who took guitar lessons from Andy McGee. We went on a cool hike that was all jungly. I swung on a vine. I explored caves. It smelled like mint. We heard the calls of exotic birds like the ones you hear on cds of the Amazon. I saw a possum and at midnight we brought in my birthday.

Tuesday, January 15
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME in New Zealand. I found some cards my mom had packed away and they made me happy. We had french toast with fruit. Definitely the best breakfast yet. My tent mate gave me baloon animals. Everyone sang to me. I'm basically sure I've heard every version. We went luging in Rotorua and I swung into a creek from a tire swing and went kayaking and picked up trash. We also tried to make the perfect diving picture. Do you think we got it?

Wednesday, January 16
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME in the United States. I went to the Agrodome and went zorbing and it was basically worth every penny. They let us all get ran over by a zorb. I'm the one lying down closest to the ball. They would never let you do that in the states. I went to town and saw the library of Rotorua. It's a pretty snazzy town. I also saw the Maori dances and did the whole cultural experience thing.

Thursday, January 17
We left Rotorua and left for Taupo and went swimming in the clearest lake I've seen in my life. I swam to the buoy.

Friday, January 18
I hiked the paths of Mordor! And I did it with Legolas hair. That's me with a waterfall. I taught a lot of people guitar.

Saturday, January 19
We left for Wellington, the capitol. Then we hopped the ferry to go to the south island and I've got to tell you that is one incredible ride. The lushful green mountains just pop out of the blue ocean and it's about as gorgeous as you can get.

Sunday, January 20
We went to church and had sea urchin with the members after. I also touched an eel. It's SO pretty here and the weather is surprisingly warm for January.


Liesl said...

Amazing. Absolutely and posolutely amazing. I'd say I'm jealous, but that's a stupid thing to say. I'll just say I want to do that, and if I ever get enough money and into that program, I most definitely am doing it. Oh my goodness. That's just incredible. I'm SO GLAD you updated! Yay! Keep doing that. That's just incredible. Wow, wow, wow, and wow. Please continue to update.

enigmatic said...


That's all I can say. It sounds like you are having an amazing time(which you should be) I miss not having you around anymore, but next year...? I am trying to decide where to live, and I was wondering if you wanted to live with me, and if you did, where?

Anyway, keep having a fabulous time, and keep updating :) I will try to update more too, although you should be having adventures, not reading blogs...

Ericrazy said...

Marcie... you have just crossed off Dwight K. Schrute's #1 on his to do list!!!
You hiked Mordor!!!
Aaaaaaand... you one up-ed him.. you did it with long, golden locks of 'Legolas hair'!!!

I'm sure he's seething with rage ;)

*ps* get a new camera or I'll send a tree-hugger on you! :P